March 2007

  • prototyping tools for web design

    After a slow start to the year, the Wellington Usability Professionals group has an exciting series of events planned for 2007! To kick things off, their next meeting is Tuesday April 3rd and will be about prototyping tools for web design. A rapid iterative prototyping process is often used with user centred design (UCD) methodologies.…

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  • Good vs Evil

    ponoko My ex work colleague Dave ten Have is making his dream real with new venture Ponoko. Ponoko allows designers to have their own workshop and factory to create products…as well as an online showroom to sell their designs. It’s a great idea, especially for spatial/industrial designers who can create in a 3D space or…

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  • Seeking User Experience Strategic Guru (E-Commerce)

    Provoke has some exciting projects on the horizon and I’m keen to hear from (or about) any fantabulous e-commerce gurus out there (freelancers or full-timers). You might be the sort of person who could lead the research, strategy, requirements and information architecture of a large e-commerce and dynamic data-driven web site.

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  • Reprasent!

    The new few months are going to be busy in Wellington when it comes to conferences and presentations. This time I’m involved in a few myself…

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  • Narrow Thinking

    They’re ripping up the footpath along the Queens Highway on the Kapiti Coast – then laying it down again in pretty much the same place.

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