
  • Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Author: Zef Fugaz. Originally published Jan 2023 by Tally Group. View the original post. How to help your customers take climate action with a click. At Tally Digital, our mission is to ‘create customer experiences with good energy’. ‘Good energy’ for customers comes from the gift of knowledge, being empowered to make informed choices and…

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  • Zef’s Management Ethos

    Zef’s Management Ethos

    Now that I have over seven years experience leading and managing Design/UX teams, I’m clear on what works and what doesn’t. I’ve never been a “command and control” manager – the type who is authoritative and decisive and usually has their team living in fear. My approach in recent years has been to be the quiet one working diligently behind…

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  • busy beavers

    My design team at Provoke have been busy creating mayhem… Congrats to Alastair who picked up Silver at the Best Awards last week for his Social Ticketing concept…   Isha (pictured below) has been finding new and creative ways to spread his fame – you can views his interviews with the likes of August de los…

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  • Microsoft Awards Provoked

    Provoke took top honours at Microsoft New Zealand’s partner awards last week… Provoke won both the premier award for ‘Partner Solution of the Year’ (for our work on the Ministry of Transport intranet) – and – the ‘Business Productivity Solution’ award, beating finalists Polymedia and HP. Provoke was also a finalist in the Microsoft Technology Advocates…

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  • Gadget Neglect

    Canon TX1 : Ingenious or insane – I’m not sure which…I’ve been so busy recently that my new (and first ever) digital camera sat unopened on my desk for 7 days… For just $NZ500 (plus an extra $80 for a 4Gb memory card) I’ve now got a camera which not only shoots stills, but also…

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    Provoke’s new Auckland office has just opened on the back of six years significant growth in the Wellington market. Provoke Auckland have already started working with a selection of new northern customers and are currently looking to close their first big deal with a large Australian-based company. With a budget of seven figures over the…

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  • Crazy idea archives : part one

    My perfect job would be sitting around sipping soy lattes and coming up with bright ideas for the next “killer app”. Now, from the archives of the legendary zef[a]media bondi blue iMac – crazy ideas that never happened! p.u.p {a portal concept from 1999 – then updated in 2000} Impound your PIM – and get…

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  • reinventing dux

    reinventing dux

    I’ve been reinventing the deliverables for the Design & User Experience (DUX) team at Provoke… The many facets of design and user experience – user requirements, business goals, content models, site maps, information architecture, task flows, interaction design, visual design – and more… Trying to fit this all into one tidy package has proven a challenge,…

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