
  • Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Author: Zef Fugaz. Originally published Jan 2023 by Tally Group. View the original post. How to help your customers take climate action with a click. At Tally Digital, our mission is to ‘create customer experiences with good energy’. ‘Good energy’ for customers comes from the gift of knowledge, being empowered to make informed choices and…

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  • Zef’s Management Ethos

    Zef’s Management Ethos

    Now that I have over seven years experience leading and managing Design/UX teams, I’m clear on what works and what doesn’t. I’ve never been a “command and control” manager – the type who is authoritative and decisive and usually has their team living in fear. My approach in recent years has been to be the quiet one working diligently behind…

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  • Goggle and Google : Side by Side

    Goggle and Google : Side by Side

    With the “Goggle Type Appliance” making the TV3 Nightline news last night, many people have been asking “…so what’s the difference between Goggle and Google?” Here’s a side-by-side comparison of a Goggle-generated document and a Google-generated webpage… [A] A slight variation in spelling. [B] The key topic or phrase is wrapped in a box. [C]…

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  • Inventor donates browser prototype to ‘Art with a Heart’

    Inventor donates browser prototype to ‘Art with a Heart’

    After my exclusive  scoop last week created ripples on the internet, the original “Type Goggling Appliance” (one of just three prototypes) has been discovered on a dusty shelf at the rear of the Mataura Muesum.   No one knows how it came to be there but suspicions are that it was ‘acquired’ at a dawn…

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  • Google Chrome invented by beekeeper

    The creation of this, and over 20 other art works, was made possible by Click Suite supporting us by donating a day to “Art with a Heart”. Theres more information at Proceeds from this auction are going to Save the Children to support our fundraising efforts as part of the 2008 Vietnam cycle challenge.…

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  • Gesturing Government

    A lot of people I’ve been talking to recently are excited by the emergence of NUI (Natural User Interfaces), but are asking “Isn’t this just for gamers?” My immediate answer is “yes”. Gamers have been the first to embrace the technology (the Nintendo Wii remote controller  is one example of this). Future gaming consoles are…

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  • Some Slides to Share

    The presentation slides from the UPANZ Wellington Spring Event which took place yestersday – thanks to all who came along… Don’t Get GUI : Get NUI! View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: gestural interface) Web Strategy (by Lulu Pachuau) View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: user strategy)

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  • Don’t get GUI : Get NUI!

    Have you been getting NUI recently? If you’ve ever used a touch screen then you’re well on the way to the brave new world of ‘Natural User Interfaces’. Well, that’s what they were calling it over at UX Week in San Francisco. But it’s also know as ‘Gestural User Interfaces’ by many. NUI will be…

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