The wait is finally over!
The following names from both teams were drawn from a hat*:
The Australian team:
- Marla Mitelman – Project manager
- Ruth Ellison – User experience /IA
- Sarah Peeke – Designer
- David McDonald – HTML/CSS coder
- Rex Chung – Programmer
- Melissa Cater – Writer
The NZ Team:
- Peter Johnston (Sorted) – Writer
- Jeffrey Wegesin (Xero) – HTML/CSS [and ex-Provoker whizzkid]
- Mark Rickerby (Coretxt) – Programmer
- Zef Fugaz (Provoke) – UX/IA [hey – that’s me!]
- Steve Dennis (Enlighten) – Designer
- Thomas Scovell (Shift) – Project Manager
Stay tuned for the announcement of the Captain\’s Choice position, to be announced next Friday (13th July).
* In an effort to be as transparent as possible, please note that a hat was not actually used for either team. they were actually an urn and a rather a large trophy shaped receptacle.
…now I’m going to have to read the rules properly…
Like, who will supply us with coffee?
{mild panic}
Congratulations to the other people selected – I look forward to meeting you all!
5 responses to “I’m Full Code Press Ahead!”
Hey Zef – congrats on getting selected for Full Code Press! You’re representing NZ now so don’t let them Aussies beat us!! 🙂
Congratulations Zef! Looks like we’ve got a very solid team. Will be good to work with all of you.
Hey Zef!
Great to be on the team with you. 🙂
Goooo Zef! Bring home the Gold! (Do they give real gold or is it virtual gold you can go buy stuff in second life nowadays?)
Good work – I’m expecting a lot from the Kiwi’s… do us proud!
I had no idea you got flights over to Oz – I should have read that email more closely.