
  • Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Author: Zef Fugaz. Originally published Jan 2023 by Tally Group. View the original post. How to help your customers take climate action with a click. At Tally Digital, our mission is to ‘create customer experiences with good energy’. ‘Good energy’ for customers comes from the gift of knowledge, being empowered to make informed choices and…

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  • Zef’s Management Ethos

    Zef’s Management Ethos

    Now that I have over seven years experience leading and managing Design/UX teams, I’m clear on what works and what doesn’t. I’ve never been a “command and control” manager – the type who is authoritative and decisive and usually has their team living in fear. My approach in recent years has been to be the quiet one working diligently behind…

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  • Ze Frank: Hot or Not?

    Ze Frank: Hot or Not?

    A big hit of Webstock was internet phenomenon and chief chef of Earth Sandwiches, Ze Frank. Ze Frank is an online performance artist, composer, humorist and public speaker based in New York. He rose to internet fame ever since his “How to Dance Properly” viral video (born as a party invite for 17 friends) –…

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  • Feeding the Suite Spot

    Feeding the Suite Spot

    The SUITE SPOT (as seen at Webstock) takes live data feeds from blogs, Twitter, Flickr and SMS messages then ‘repurposes’ all of this into an exploratory scene. The feeds might look  simple enough on screen but deciding what appears on the timeline, where and when were all challenges faced during the design and development. The…

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  • Where’s Your Suite Spot?

    Where’s Your Suite Spot?

    Who knew swimming with data could be such fun. In 2009 my employer, Click Suite, is a major sponsor of Webstock. Webstock is a series of workshops and seminars held in Wellington from 16- 20 February focusing on web technologies and attracting major international speakers. As part of our sponsorship we are providing an experimental…

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  • It’s Semantic

    It’s Semantic

    Throughout 2009 you’ll probably hear a lot of talk about the semantic web, aka “Web 3.0”. The semantic wave embraces previous stages of internet growth. The first stage, Web 1.0, was about connecting information and getting on the net. Web 2.0 is about connecting people – the web of social networks and participation. This was…

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  • Don’t Mash the Method

    Don’t Mash the Method

    Is ‘process’ the same as ‘method’? Many people seem confused. Does it matter? Sort of. It matters when your job is to take a look at how a company runs its design and production line. Over the years I’ve re-engineered the in-house processes for a handful of IT and New Media companies. I’ve learnt that,…

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  • Free UX Templates

    Free UX Templates

    Just over a year ago I took part in an amazing team competition called FullCodePress to build a website from the ground-up in 24hrs. Read all about it Since then I’ve had numerous requests from User Experience professionals around the world for copies of my information architecture templates and artifacts.

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