
  • Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Digitise to Decarbonise!

    Author: Zef Fugaz. Originally published Jan 2023 by Tally Group. View the original post. How to help your customers take climate action with a click. At Tally Digital, our mission is to ‘create customer experiences with good energy’. ‘Good energy’ for customers comes from the gift of knowledge, being empowered to make informed choices and…

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  • Zef’s Management Ethos

    Zef’s Management Ethos

    Now that I have over seven years experience leading and managing Design/UX teams, I’m clear on what works and what doesn’t. I’ve never been a “command and control” manager – the type who is authoritative and decisive and usually has their team living in fear. My approach in recent years has been to be the quiet one working diligently behind…

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  • Buy Kiwi-Designed

    In New Zealand a battle of words is raging over a new ‘Buy Kiwi-Made’ campaign. The Greens (who lead the campaign) say that ‘New Zealand manufacturers and workers can be assured that only products actually made in New Zealand will be entitled to carry the New Zealand Made labelling, as specified by legislation.’ But some…

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  • Kiwibank’s Secret Formula?

    For the last six weeks I’ve been working as an undercover agent – posing as a new customer for Kiwibank – New Zealand’s big little bank. Secret Spy Profile Having been a customer of several other banks in previous occupations, at first I found this assignment a cinch. The undercover role was surprisingly similar to…

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  • When the Web Was Young

    Glimpses of zef[a]media between 1995 and 1999 – courtesy of the Wayback Machine… [Note: Wayback Machine isn’t perfect, some links and images are missing]. 1995 I’ve been scouring the archives to find versions of this website from 1994-95, but all I could recover was this logo… 1996/1997 This homepage wouldn’t pass usability tests these days!…

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  • Get the Method with Boxes and Arrows

    My latest piece of writing – ‘Method Acting with Personas’ – appears over on Boxes and Arrows It’s a suggestion for publication and your interest might help get it to the next stage. Take a sneak peek… Register for Boxes & Arrows (and then you’ll be able post your comments and a rating for my…

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  • Microsoft Bridging the Gap Between Developers, Designers and the User Experience

    This article originally appeared on Digitalmelon, and is re-blogged here with the kind permission of Chandima Kulathilake. Chan has been recently evaluating new Microsoft technologies for User Interface Design – in what is just the start of Microsoft recognising interactive designers as integral to software – better enabling them to deliver an engaging User Experience.…

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  • Passionate People I’ve Worked With

    My Fabulous Career Recently I pitched for a website I was born to create. I knew it would be an uphill battle – all our perceived flaws were laid bare, while our strengths were buried – it was like they’d made up their minds already. What a shame. These sorts of companies need to learn…

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